
All clients will be asked to sign a liability waiver and policy agreement before any sessions are completed.

Cancellation Policy

You may cancel your session at any point up until 24 hours before you session. Late cancellations will require a deposit for rebooking. No show appointments will require a fully paid deposit for any rescheduled sessions booked after the no show.

Liability Policy and Waiver

Mom’s Lens Studio or any of its photographers are not liable for your family’s direct safety. While a photographer will take the utmost precautions to keep everyone in your family safe, the company nor photographer is not responsible for any injuries during the photoshoot or the costs associated with treatment of injuries. All clients will be asked to sign a liability waiver and policy agreement before any sessions are booked.

Ownership, Print Release, and Related Policy

All photos taken by Mom’s Lens Studio are owned by the studio and are released in a digital gallery. A print and social media release is given at the time of gallery release. This is not a transfer of ownership but a permission of use for these personal purposes. If there is a commercial, marketing, or contest use of these photos, written consent must be provided by Mom’s Lens Studio.

Mom’s Lens Studio retains copyright ownership of all works created during sessions, including but not limited to all images in their original and processed formats.  It is understood that any duplication or alteration of original images is strictly prohibited (Copyright Law Title 17, Appendix V. Additional Provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 2005, Section 102)

Marketing Policy

Due to the ownership of the photographs and all related files being retained by Mom’s Lens, we maintain the right to use any photos taken in marketing on our website, our social medias, and any other media. If there is a child under the age of 18 that ask not to be on these medias, please contact the photographer directly and I will work with you.